To our cherished guests and community,

As many of you know, the Elk Fire has been sweeping through our corner of Wyoming, leaving a profound impact on our beloved Big Horn Mountains. We’re incredibly grateful to share that despite the fire’s presence, our ranch’s cabins and buildings were untouched. Most importantly, all of our people and animals are safe and sound, which is truly a blessing.

The fire did leave its mark on our surrounding landscape, particularly North and South Red Canyons and up Wolf Creek Canyon where it continues to burn in the Bighorn National Forest. This incredibly powerful fire has burned the face of the Bighorn mountains and continues to do so. We are praying for our neighboring ranches and communities that they remain safe in the path of this fire. We’ve never been so excited for a winter weather advisory and rain showers in the area as we are today. 

While things will look different for years to come, we see this as a moment of change and renewal for our cherished land and mountains. Nature has a way of bouncing back, and we are already assessing how we can support the land’s recovery. It’s going to be a journey, but we’re excited to see how the land rejuvenates in the coming seasons. 

We cannot express enough gratitude for the outpouring of support from our friends, neighbors, and the entire community. From those who reached out to check in, to the brave souls who were on the frontlines helping in any way they could—thank you. Your kindness and generosity have meant the world to us, and we are reminded once again how strong our community is when we come together in times of need. 

As we look ahead, we’re committed to preparing for the 2025 season and are excited to welcome you all back. Though the ranch will have a slightly different look and we will likely have to make some adjustments to our operations, our commitment to providing you with unforgettable experiences remains the same. As we sort through things and get our feet back under us we will try to provide more updates. Someday, when we are ready to, our family will share the story of the massive effort put in by our friends and neighbors to help us protect our very special ranch. 

The resilient spirit of the ranch is stronger than ever, and we promise to keep it thriving. Thank you all for your continued support, and we can’t wait to share the beauty of this place with you once again soon. 

With Love-

Eatons’ Ranch